
Watchfield and Shrivenham Scouts

A long established and active Scout group based in Shrivenham. The group caters for young people from ages 6 to 18 from the local villages and the Defence Academy.  Many activities are offered throughout the year, both indoors and outdoors.

Further information can be found at the Scout website


Shrivenham Baby and Toddler Group

Opened in April 2017.  It’s run by myself, a Mum (teacher by profession) and Sarah Morris (retired midwife).  We are a “stay and play” and provide a weekly craft activity and a cuppa. We welcome parents and aim to provide a supportive environment for our little ones to explore and have fun.  We meet weekly (term time only) on Thursdays in our local church St. Andrews, 8.45-10.45am.  There are no sign-up sheets however we do welcome donations towards running costs (suggested donation £1).

Contacts: Jayne Morris phone- 07710 668420 email: or simply pop in and say hello.


Viscountess Barrington’s Homes for Disabled Ex-Servicemen and Women


This Charitable Trust, administered under the auspices of the Charity Commission and managed under Almshouse Association guidelines, currently owns 13 homes (7 houses and 6 apartments, housing 17 adult residents).


The properties are all self-contained homes and are easily visible from the Recreation Ground which is managed by our ‘sister’ Trust – The Viscountess Barrington Memorial Hall and Recreation Ground Trust.


The Trust was established in the early 1920s to promote well-being in the village and to provide homes for veterans returning from the 1st World War. Most of the homes were built in the 1920s and included workrooms to encourage occupants to provide for a living for themselves. The newest block of 4 apartments, closest to the Fairthorne Road roundabout on the High Street, was completed in 2005.

The criteria to be a resident of one of the homes include a strong Military Service link, a local connection, a physical disability, and the financial need for charitable housing. There is no waiting list per se for residency, rather a list of interested persons. When a vacancy arises, it is advertised in various local and Service publications and the most deserving case within the criteria is selected.

Residents are charged a ‘below market rate’ weekly maintenance contribution in line with Almshouse Association guidelines, which the Charitable Trust relies on to fund ongoing cyclical and emergency maintenance.  Major refurbishment is usually undertaken when a property becomes vacant, within financial limitations.


Demand for existing properties upon vacancies occurring encouraged the Trustees to explore the possibility of enlarging the property portfolio. Planning permission has been obtained to build additional properties on Trust owned land adjacent to the Football Club. It is hoped to start building these by 2018.


Although the Trust is not responsible for the welfare of the residents, occasional help is provided in dealing with agencies such as the local council and care centres as and when appropriate.  


Further information is available from the Clerk to the Trust, Graham Vizor, on 01793 783684.


Brownies/Girl Guides

Girlguiding Tuckmill District
Come along and join the fun!
Cool badges; great games; mad trips

What do we do?  

Activity weekends away, climbing, swimming, vet visit, ice skating, badges galore, Go For Its with our Patrols, parties, water-sports and at the moment the Guides are ‘Changing the World’ by raising awareness and money for the UK Railway Children.
We run Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers in Shrivenham, Watchfield, Longcot and Uffington
Contact Jane Hollick 01793 782881  or Maggie Gregory 01793 782200 for more information.


Shrivenham Amateur Dramatic Society

Shrivenham Amateur Dramatic Society website




Tuesday walks start at 6pm from outside the Doctors Surgery in the High Street and typically last until around 8pm depending on the time of the year.

Saturday walks on the first Sat of the month start at 9:30am from Martens Road car park and finish around 1:30pm.

Contact: Rita Cox 783410 or Sandy Gipps 782226 or to go on the distribution list email here



Shrivenham Allotments

To enquire about a plot in Shrivenham contact:


Bob at, or ring 01793 782925



Songs and Stories

Songs and Stories is a group for Mums and pre-school children.


It is held in the front of the Methodist Church on Wednesday mornings from approximately 9:00am until 10:30 and includes coffee and a snack.


Contact: Linda 783152 or Becky 780595



Shrivenham Parish Cemetery


The cemetery is situated in Stainswick Lane, going out of the village and just past the built up area.


Enquiries may be made via the Parish Office on (01793) 782925



Shrivenham Parish Council
2 Highworth Road  
Shrivenham, SN6 8BL
Phone: 01793 782925
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Content provided and maintained by Viscountess Barrington Trust. No part of this site may be reproduced without written permission from Viscountess Barrington Trust. © Shrivenham Parish Council. Most pictures on site courtesy of Shrivenham Photographic Society.